Park City Library has a three-year strategic plan that focuses on user experience, inclusivity, community relationships, and lifelong learning. The Library has defined the user experience goal as developing and maintaining an efficient, welcoming, and dynamic library staff, facility, and resources. The goal for this year is to perform a 10-year facility analysis.
The Analysis
A subcommittee comprised of library staff and library board members spent the last six months inspecting the Library for areas that have the potential to be improved or changed. This included all aspects of public and staff areas. All library staff members were able to fill out a survey to give feedback and opinions, given their day-to-day experience with patrons and the facility.
Next Steps
This analysis has led to a detailed list of suggested changes that will be reviewed and prioritized by the Library Leadership Team. Some items will be recommended for annual maintenance, while others may require more involved steps. Several needed improvements were identified in the facility analysis, including adding window film to the Library’s glass doors to prevent children and adults from walking into them, auditorium stage accessibility, deep cleaning of high-use areas and furniture, and adding additional storage to support library events.