Library Board
The Board meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 12:00 pm in the Library. There is no December meeting. The January meeting is an extended one as it is the annual meeting of the Board. The Board encourages public attendance at Board meetings and welcomes input at any time.
Library Board Members

Patricia Stokes

Debbie Stafsholt

Ann Sowder

Andrea Zavala

Seth Beal

Ed Parigian

Janet Kiholm Smith

Ann Whitworth

Sharon Hanson

Greg Hembrock

Marissa Day
Recent Meeting Agenda, Minutes & Report
Previous meeting minutes, agendas, or reports are available upon request by contacting
Library Board Mission Statement
The Park City Library Board of Trustees, representing the citizens of Park City, and working in partnership with the Library Director, evaluates library services and community needs, establishes library policies, and sets goals to be implemented by the director and staff. Board members inform others about library services, needs, and accomplishments to foster a positive public image and build community support.
The Park City Library Board of Trustees consists of five to nine voting members appointed by the Park City Council and one non-voting member of Council. The Library director attends Board meetings but is not a voting member. Trustees are appointed for three-year terms and may be re-appointed once. The Board establishes subcommittees as needed. Individual Board members contribute personal volunteer time to working in the library.
Park City Board of Trustees Mission Statement
(Adopted June, 1998)
Library Board By-Laws