Register for a Card
You must be 18 or older to complete this registration.
To complete the registration process you must bring proof of address and an ID to the Library within 14 days to get your physical card and extend your expiration date.
- Acceptable forms of proof of address (PO boxes do not qualify):
- Utah driver’s license with current address
- Utility bill
- Rental lease
- Automobile registration (with street address)
- Room confirmation and/or bill
- Current Government-issued ID (bring one):
- Driver’s license
- Passport
- Military ID
- State-issued ID card
- Parent or guardian:
- Minors will need a parent or guardian present at the Library to initially sign up for their card.
Important Note: 84060 cards are for residents/visitors in Park City Municipal City limits. The Park City limits do not include all Park City addresses. Please check your address on the map below or call 435-615-5600 for more information.