Outside of City Limits
If you do not reside within the 84060 zip code, these are the available card types:
Non-resident 12-Month Card
This card allows membership to the Park City Library for anyone who does not reside or own property within the 84060 zip code, for a fee of $40. Complete the online form and pay when you show proper ID and pick up your card at the Library.
Non-resident 6-Month Card
This card allows membership to the Park City Library for anyone who does not reside or own property within the 84060 zip code, for a fee of $20. Complete the online form and pay when you show proper ID and pick up your card at the Library.
Student Card  (valid until student is out of high school)
A parent/guardian can fill out a student card in the child’s name. This card is for children/students (ages 0-18 or enrolled in high school) who reside or attend school in Summit County but live outside of the 84060 zip code. If students reside outside of Summit County but attend school inside Summit County, they must have a current school ID or letter from the school. Complete the online form in the student’s/child’s name. Bring in proof of address and proper ID to pick up the card at the Library. The student and parent/guardian must both be present to pick up the card at the Library.
Educator Card (valid for 2 years)
Educators must show proof of employment or homeschooling within the Park City School District boundaries. Complete the online form and bring proof of employment as an educator or homeschooler and ID to pick up your card at the Library.