Nathan Hale’s acclaimed Hazardous Tales series are gripping, daring, and downright gruesome stories from American history presented in graphic novel form. From brave escapades to historical revelations, this series keeps you on the edge of your seat.
If you’ve read this best selling series and are yearning for similar thrilling reads, immerse yourself in these captivating and history-filled books that will keep you hooked from start to finish!
Graphic Novels
Told through the eyes of war reporter Alfred Waud, who visually documented Pickett’s Charge, this riveting graphic novel takes readers to the front lines of the Battle of Gettysburg–a crucial Civil War battle.
Sandy Saito is a happy boy who reads comic books and is obsessed with baseball – especially the Asahi team, the pride of his Japanese Canadian community. But when the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor, his life, like that of every other North American of Japanese descent, changes forever.
Seven astronauts boarded the space shuttle Challenger on what would be a routine mission. But at T-plus seventy-three seconds after launch, the unthinkable happened. What caused the midair explosion?
This thrilling graphic novel adaptation of the award-winning nonfiction book takes readers back to 1938 where they will witness the creation of the atomic bomb? A story of plotting, risk-taking, deceit and genius that created the world’s most formidable weapon.
Youth Fiction
Witnessing the harrowing events of the Civil War from the sidelines, eleven-year-old Henry endures the most grueling challenges of his life throughout a hot July week when he becomes inadvertently involved in the historic battle.
Visiting the small French village that his veteran grandfather helped liberate during World War II, an avid young player of war video games begins questioning his family’s perspectives about his grandfather’s heroism when he uncovers the rest of the story.
After Tom Trelawney accidentally burns down his family’s garden shed, Tom’s parents send him to stay with his eccentric Uncle Harvey in New York City. But Uncle Harvey is headed for Peru, supposedly to hunt for treasure, and means to leave Tom behind.
In 1776, after witnessing the execution of Nathan Hale in New York City, newly occupied by the British army, young Sophia Calderwood resolves to do all she can to help the American cause, including becoming a spy.
Youth Non-Fiction
Explore the little-known truths of Pearl Harbor with a perspective-changing reanalysis of the events of the Pearl Harbor attacks. Investigate theories that the U.S. Navy Base was a known possible target and that early warning signs were accidentally or deliberately ignored.
The story of America’s little known war-within-a war – that of the “silent service” – U.S. submarine warfare during World War II. It was up to the heroic sailors aboard the US submarines to stop the invasion across the Pacific.
Presents the events leading to and during the Allied invasion of Normandy, France, during World War II, describing the importance of the campaign and its effect on the outcome of the war. D-Day was a major turning point in World War II.
Featuring a colorful cast of characters, interesting stories and technological achievements, this history of the U.S. Post Office looks at how the mail has been delivered in the U.S. since before the Constitution was even signed.
This blog post was created by librarians from Park City Library with help of information found in NoveList – a database that is free with your library card. NoveList is a comprehensive reading recommendation resource.