Park City Library has a three-year strategic plan that focuses on user experience, inclusivity, community relationships, and lifelong learning. The Library has defined user experience as developing and maintaining efficient, welcoming and dynamic library staff, facility, and resources. The goal for this year is to complete building updates and evaluate a future expansion.
Accomplishments from Fiscal Year 2024 Perform a 10-Year Facility Analysis:
After an in-depth facility assessment, items were divided into categories. Immediate cleaning and maintenance, future needs, and others. We were able to take action on many of the cleaning and maintenance needs immediately, which included organizing the 3rd-floor kitchen and adding an events refrigerator, organizing storage areas and repurposed or recycled items, and requesting a deep clean from the cleaning service of common areas. Facility enhancements included procuring a new Unique Items shelving unit to help expand the collection, adding a new YouConvene booth, and revamping the YouCreate quiet study space into the YouWork space.
Next Steps:
As library usage and statistics continue to grow in the current space, we are looking at ways to provide expanded services for the community in our current space.
The Library will gather information to analyze community needs and needs for expanded library space by conducting an observational study by staff of all areas at different times throughout the day. This will help identify how users interact with the space and what areas might be underutilized or overcrowded. Additionally, room reservations and event statistics will be collected and analyzed.