Park City Library has a three-year strategic plan that focuses on user experience, inclusivity, community relationships, and lifelong learning. The Library has defined community relationships as reaching beyond the library walls to better understand and serve the public. The goal for this year is to implement a book festival.
What a Book Festival It Was!
- Favorite Lines and Pies Open Mic Readings
- Children’s Literary Puppet Shows
- Rare Books Exhibits
- Papermaking Demonstrations
- Literary Craft Tables
- Author Jack Carr Lecture and Book Signing
- Mystery in the Stacks Participative Event
- Author Julia Lyon Lecture and Book Signing
- Local Author Tables and Signings
- And more
This successful event brought the community out to celebrate the Book Festival’s vision statement: to hold an event where a love of books and reading is celebrated as people come together to share in activities and discussions exploring literary themes.